Septum piercing
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Septum is beyond
the trend

Septum piercing is a nose piercing that sits pretty much in the middle of your nose, in the sweet spot.

Piercers call the soft tissue piece the sweet spot, not because this part of the nose is sweeter, but because it should hurt less. Often pierced tissue under cartilage, but sometimes there are also variants of puncture directly cartilage. This is one of the most recognizable types of piercing, even if you did not know the name, then definitely saw such piercing, and do not mistake it with anything.

This is an extremely original kind of piercing, which can have many meanings, depending on the chosen decoration, but will always look the same styling.

Septum piercing

History and origin

In fact, it’s hard to say where exactly this type of piercing was introduced, because it was spread across continents - India and America, Africa, Australia.

Many peoples from ancient times laid a deep sacral meaning in the puncture of the nose and attached great importance to the decorations that were worn.

Of course, now piercing has an exclusively aesthetic value, but not so long ago it was an important cult element.

In India and Nepal, Ayurvedic doctrines hold that septum in women is responsible for the reproductive system, which results in the piercing of this part of the body in order to protect the woman from many illnesses and to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth. In the Arab countries, the piercing of the septum in women is a sign of respect for them husband and children, which is very interesting, because few people know about this puncture in women (they see only the closest relatives, due to the custom of wearing the hijab, covering virtually the entire face). In Africa, septums are pierced for aesthetic purposes - thus women become attractive. For men, this piercing is a way of demonstrating strength to intimidate enemies. In Australia, septum piercing is an integral ritual element in both women and men. In women, for example, it symbolizes puberty, and in men it is a symbol of masculinity.

In the modern world, septum piercing has become a popular form of art and expression, especially among lovers of alternative fashion and style. People choose this type of piercing for its originality and exotic appearance.

Septum piercing
Septum piercing
Septum piercing

Find a professional

Of course, any puncture should be done in the master in a special salon, because you need skill and sterility.

First, to successfully make a puncture, you need to have knowledge about the location of blood vessels and nerve endings, and, secondly, it is very important to disinfect all tools and working surfaces.

Do not forget about the right choice of decoration. And it is not only about its aesthetic properties and visual characteristics. The septum, unfortunately, is not the part of the body that has a short healing period. Of course, it all depends on your individual abilities and regenerative properties, and the right care contributes to faster healing. At the same time, every effort must be made to facilitate the reconstruction process.

As the first decoration choose the most convenient and appropriate size decoration, preferably from titanium, because it is a hypoallergenic material that will not irritate the fabric and has the lowest risk of being rejected by your body.

Septum piercing
Septum piercing

Septum Piercing Jewelry

As we have already mentioned, there are many options for decorations for septum, because piercing should emphasize the individuality and unique style.

That is why consider for yourself the basic and most popular decorations for the septum to choose the perfect form:

  • Circular or horseshoe - its name speaks for itself, this decoration in the form of a horseshoe, which has a special round around the edges, minimalist, but very comfortable, quite often chosen as the first decoration, they say it’s easier to get used to because of its shape and simplicity.
  • Clicker - flat clasp nose ring.
  • The ring - as simple as it sounds the name of this ornament, modern manufacturers have made so many variations of the septum ring that it is worth stopping and considering it in more detail, suddenly there is something that will satisfy you.
  • Banana is another case in which the name accurately describes the essence of the ornament, which is a curved rod with streaks.
  • The rod is a straight rod that also has rolls on both sides.

Septum piercing
Septum Piercing
Septum Piercing

Whatever jewelry you choose for yourself in the first place, remember that sympathy cannot be a key determining factor in the choice of decoration for the septum.

We advise you to communicate with the master and choose the jewel that suits you according to the shape and features of your face.

In order to choose the most successful decoration (and, of course, to make a piercing septum with minimal discomfort during the procedure and after), it is worth choosing a master piercing, having experience in various nose punctures and performance of complex punctures.

Another reason to choose a professional is the tool. Whatever your pain threshold is, it can still be uncomfortable to puncture any part of your body. The experienced master uses the most convenient tools to minimize discomfort.

Septum piercing
Septum piercing
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