«VEAN TATTOO» is the largest tattoo studio network in the world. The brand was founded in 2011 and has since been actively developing.

The specialization of the network is quite wide. The main directions are tattoo and piercing industry. We have raised the sphere to a fundamentally new and high level of standard.

Today the number of studios is 160.

«VEAN TATTOO» is not a franchise. We are one big family and you can become our partner. You can find out more about the terms of cooperation on the page Partnerschap

If you are interested in working together, you can fill out the form and we will contact you.

Training at the VEAN Academy offers courses for both beginners and experienced professionals. Thanks to our courses everyone can become a artist of tattoo/ piercing/ PMU.

We have developed a unique training program aimed at all industries, which includes both theoretical and practical exercises on real models, as well as master classes.

70% of the company’s artists were trained at our Academy and became highly qualified specialists of the network of studios VEAN TATTOO.

What is included in the course:- possibility to select profile courses

  • Basics of tattoo art, training in techniques such as fine lines, dots, point, water color , safety and hygiene awareness, preparation of tools and equipment
  • Development of design, creation of sketches with inclusion of all subtleties of composition and proportions
  • Work with the skin, features on different body parts and tattoo techniques for different skin types
  • Basics of portfolio creation, client attraction, business management, marketing, tips for social networks promotion
  • A possibility to choose a curator - individual schedule of classes
  • Personal manager who will be with you throughout the training and will help you in case of questions
  • Consumables are available
  • An opportunity to visit the studio, where you can watch the work of the artist not only on the days of studying
  • Assistance in equipment selection up to 15% discount in our store- 50% discount for our students for renting a working place

The premium course includes a video library with the lessons and recommendations from top artists of our network.

An opportunity to become our partner and open your studio.

At the end of the training, an exam is held to assess theoretical and practical knowledge. Students who reach the maximum score are guaranteed employment in one of the VEAN studios.

VEAN TATTOO is interested in employing our graduates in the studios in order to scale worldwide. VEAN can also recommend you to one of 400 partner studios.

There is an opportunity to become a member of the National and European Association of tattoo artists, permanent makeup and piercing specialists.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

The international VEAN diploma is a certificate of professional education in tattooing, piercing, permanent makeup and laser removal and is quoted in 140 countries.

This diploma, as well as the appendix to it, is recognized by the European Association of artists.

The diploma was accredited in the Czech Republic, which confirms its compliance with European standards and requirements in this field.

It allows artists to work in the tattoo and piercing industry in the European Union. In addition, it can become an important document when obtaining a license or certificate in other countries that have requirements for the education and professional skills of a artist.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant

VEAN TATTOO launches advanced customer loyalty program! Now you have an opportunity to become a VIP and get nice bonuses.

VIP clients will have a number of advantages.

The main proposals that will include VIP:

Priority service:

  • VIP clients will receive high-level service and fast feedback when answering questions:
  • The fastest possible recording if there is a free window at the wizard;
  • In the situation where the wizard has a free window
  • The VIP client will be the priority for recording.

More features: VIP clients will have access to unique services or products that are not available to others. For example, they can get free healing for 7 days or choose a souvenir at their discretion.

Each VIP client will be credited to the balance of 1000 VEAN TATTOO COIN. What is VEAN TATTOO COIN and how it works:

  1. When the customer provides the number of the person who advised VEAN TATTOO - on both balances are charged 100 coins.
  2. Accumulated coins can be used for healing or at 50% service cost.
  3. Coin can be used as a discount for the session. To get the coveted VIP status, you need to buy services that will amount to $ 1500. Join the loyalty program and follow our further offers!

Contraindications can be both medical and cosmetic.

Medical contraindications include:

  • Diseases of the blood, especially poor blood clotting;
  • Oncological and acute inflammatory diseases;
  • Mental disorders and epilepsy;
  • Diseases resulting from a significant decline in immunity;
  • Serious viral diseases (hepatitis, HIV/AIDS).
  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes type 1 (insulin dependent) or severe course of diabetes type 2, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension;
  • Taking certain medications that may worsen healing;
  • An allergic reaction to the colorants or other materials used in the procedure.

Cosmetic contraindications include:

  • Skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis;
  • Individual tendency to form keloid scars;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.

All possible risks and contraindications should be discussed with the specialist before the procedure. If you have any medical problems or are pregnant, it is important to inform your artist before the procedure.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

There are several diseases and conditions in which it is not recommended to get tattoos, as this can lead to complications or exacerbate existing health problems. Some of these states include:

  1. Infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis. In this case, the risk of infection from the tattoo instrument to the skin is very high, so doctors do not recommend tattooing in the situation of these diseases.
  2. Allergic reactions to tattoo pigments. Some people may have an allergic reaction to certain paints used for tattoos. This can cause skin irritation, itching and other problems.
  3. Chronic skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. These diseases can get worse after the tattoo and cause a painful reaction to the skin.
  4. Skin cancer. People who have melanoma or other skin cancers are not recommended to get tattoos, as this can lead to the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body.
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. During this period, women must be especially careful, as tattoo paints can enter the blood and affect the health of the child.

In any case, before you get the tattoo, you are recommended to consult a professional tattoo artist and consult a doctor.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Technically, getting a tattoo or piercing during menstruation is possible, but it may not be very comfortable for women. During menstruation, the skin may be more sensitive, and increased blood flow may increase the likelihood of bleeding during the procedure.

Therefore, if you have a choice, it is better to postpone the procedure of tattoo or piercing to the period after menstruation. However, if you are not prepared to wait, discuss this moment with a specialist to ensure that all conditions for a safe procedure are met. And it is also important to choose a professional artist who will help to cope with any possible complications.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Before you get a tattoo or permanent makeup, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to pigments.

There are several ways to check this:

Skin test: Before the procedure, a small amount of paint is applied to a small area of the skin and left for several days. If redness, itching feelings, edema or other signs of allergy appear at the site of application - pigment cannot be used.

Consult an allergist. This may include skin tests or blood tests.

Common symptoms: if you have already had allergic reactions to other substances, such as food, medicine or cosmetics, the likelihood of allergic to tattoo pigment and permanent makeup is higher.

If you have doubts about your allergy, then be sure to discuss it with your artist and contact an allergist to avoid undesirable consequences.

The probability of having an allergy is 0.0001%. But even in the situation of allergic reactions to pigment are often manifested with low intensity

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

The usage of professional products is important to ensure quick, proper healing and avoid complications. They provide protection against various allergic reactions that may occur with self aftercare at home.

VEAN TATTOO studios use special and high-quality products that are made to reduce inflammation, accelerate healing and prevent infections. They contain active ingredients with antibacterial and antiseptic properties, vitamins and minerals that promote skin healing. The products are thoroughly tested for quality and safety, which guarantees their effectiveness and no side effects.

So, the usage of professional products after a tattoo session, piercing, permanent makeup and laser removal is necessary to ensure the rapid and safe healing of wounds, as well as to maintain healthy and attractive skin.

Aftercare period is very important. Everyone wants own tattoo heals without complications and looks beautiful over the years. Here are some tips for tattoo aftercare:

  1. Artists use a special healing film. Aftercare period is much easier, because the film is removed only after 4-5 days. You immediately go to the process of washing and moisturizing the skin with a small amount of liquid antibacterial soap. The first days include regular application of dexanthenol-based emollient cream, on top of which an absorbent diaper and a patch is applied. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Rinse and moisturize the tattoo should be 2-3 times a day, without applying diapers, until the crust disappears. After getting the tattoo, it usually heals within 2-3 weeks. Remember that the skin may be visually healed and you can feel it, but full healing can last up to 6 months.
  2. Do not touch the tattoo with your hands and do not scratch it. This can cause infection or damage the pattern.
  3. Do not apply creams, lotions or oils on the tattoo during the first 2-3 days. Wait until the skin heals, and the wounds tighten. Vaseline-based creams are not recommended because they encourage tattoo discoloration.

Tattoo aftercare should start from the moment it is got and continue for several weeks until the skin fully heals. Follow your tattoo artist’s advice to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Be prepared for the tattoo to fade a month after getting it, and over time it will lose color intensity and clarity of lines. First of all, avoid the sunlight and try not to tan too much for the tattoo does not lose its coloras long as possible. To do this, use sunscreen with UV50.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Yes, the tattoo process can be painful for some people, especially if they have a low pain threshold or if the tattoo is applied to sensitive areas of the body, such as ribs, fingers or neck.

Pain may also depend on the individual characteristics of the person, such as the level of skin sensitivity, the presence of painful conditions such as arthritis, and the level of fatigue and stress.

Anaesthetic creams can be applied to the skin to relieve pain during the tattoo procedure. However, before using any analgesics, it is necessary to consult with the tattoo artist.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

It is not recommended to take any pharmacological medicaments to reduce pain during the procedure. Non-prescription drugs will have no effect and could be unsafe.

VEAN TATTOO studios are equipped with specialized sprays and foams for local anesthesia that can be applied if it is necessary.

Before the session, be sure to consult with the tattoo artist. He/she will tell you which remedy will suit your skin type.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

A new tattoo is a fresh wound on the skin, and it needs time to heal. Visiting places where there is high humidity, high levels of bacteria or mechanical friction can damage the wound, increase the risk of infection and slow the healing process.

Visiting such places is not recommended for the first two weeks after tattooing.

It is important to remember that you should follow the recommendations of your tattoo artist and ask him/her when it is safe to start doing sport or visit places that may damage the tattoo.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Op sommige littekens kan een tatoeage gezet worden, maar dit hangt af van het type en de diepte van de littekens. Littekens kunnen veroorzaakt zijn door trauma, chirurgie of andere huidbeschadigingen.

Littekens die getatoeëerd kunnen worden:

  • Littekens van chirurgische ingrepen: Indien het litteken van een chirurgische ingreep al genezen is en geen felrode tinten heeft, kan het gebruikt worden om te tatoeëren.
  • Atrofische littekens: dit zijn littekens die meestal ontstaan na brandwonden of acne. Deze zijn het gevolg van verlies van collageen in de huid en kunnen gebruikt worden om een tatoeage te creëren.
  • Lineaire littekens: dit zijn eenvoudige littekens die kunnen ontstaan na incisies, snijwonden of krabwonden. Deze kunnen ook gebruikt worden voor het zetten van tatoeages.

Littekens waarvoor geen procedures zijn toegestaan:

  • Keloïde littekens zijn uitgroeisels van bindweefsel die zich op de huid vormen op de plaats van een letsel of wond en kunnen ontstaan na tatoeage-, piercing- of permanente make-up procedures.
  • In geval van keloïden wordt aanbevolen om tatoeage-, piercing- en permanente make-up procedures te vermijden.
  • Papillomen en moedervlekken zijn formaties met daaronder veel haarvaten, die bij ingrepen kankercellen kunnen vormen. Aangezien neusvlekken, moedervlekken en papillomen niet kunnen worden getraumatiseerd, worden deze meestal geïntegreerd in het omringende tattoo ontwerp en niet weg geverfd.
  • Verse littekens, waarvan de huid nog niet genezen is, mogen niet gebruikt worden voor tatoeages.
  • Hypertrofische (uitpuilende) littekens kunnen zich op de huid vormen als gevolg van een trauma of chirurgische ingreep. Deze kunnen in de loop van de tijd groeien en van vorm veranderen en mogen daarom niet worden getatoeëerd.
  • Littekens op het gezicht kunnen heel ingewikkeld zijn om te tatoeëren, aangezien de huid op het gezicht dunner en gevoeliger is dan op andere lichaamsdelen. Het risico op infectie en andere complicaties kan hoger zijn dan bij tatoeages op andere lichaamsdelen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met de studio administrator of de adviseur op de website.Some scars can be tattooed, but it depends on the type and depth of the scars. Scars can be caused by trauma, surgery, or other skin damage.

Scars that can be tattooed:

  • Surgical scars: If the scar from the surgery has already healed and does not have bright red shades, it can be used for tattooing.
  • Atrophic scars: these are scars that usually occur after burns or acne. They are the result of loss of collagen in the skin and can be used to create tattoos.
  • Linear scars: these are simple scars that can occur after cuts or scratches. They can also be used for tattooing.

Scars which are not allowed to carry out such procedures:

  • Keloid scars are the extensions of the connective tissue that form on the skin at the site of injury or damage and may occur after tattooing, piercing or permanent makeup procedures.
  • In the situation of keloids, it is recommended to avoid tattoo, piercing and permanent makeup procedures.
  • Papillomas and moles are the formations under which there are many capillaries that can cause cancer cells to form. Since nevuses, moles and papillomas cannot be injured, they are usually incorporated into the surrounding tattoo design and are not repainted.
  • Fresh scars and unhealed skin can not be used for tattoo
  • Hypertrophic scars may form on the skin as a result of trauma or surgery. They can grow and shape over time, so you can’t tattoo them.
  • Facial scars can be very difficult to tattoo because the skin on the face is thinner and more sensitive than on other parts of the body. The risk of infection and other complications may be higher than with tattoos on other parts of the body.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Granuloma is the formation of excess tissue around a piercing that may look like a lump or a knot on the skin. It’s an immune response to a foreign matter in the body.

Our body perceives the jewelry as a foreign matter that has to be removed. The immune system begins to fight with this object by producing excess tissue around the piercing.

Granuloma may look like an inflamed red lump that can become painful or even infected. Although it is not a serious problem, it can cause discomfort and require treatment.

To prevent the occurrence of granuloma, it is necessary to monitor carefully the hygiene of piercings and use only high-quality jewelry that do not cause allergic reactions. If granuloma appear, it is important not to try to remove it yourself, but to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Piercing gun is not recommended for a number of reasons:

First, piercing gun smashes tissue, resulting in damage and painful sensations. Unlike the needle, the gun does not cut tissue, but tears it, which can cause complications.

Second, the gun cannot be always disinfected. Blood and other organic materials may remain after usage and may become a source of infection.

Third, there are needles for piercing of different sizes, which allows you to choose the right for a specific puncture. At the same time, the gun often uses one type of needle for all procedures, which may not be appropriate for some parts of the body.

Finally, a puncture with a gun can cause considerable stress and pain in the client, which will affect the healing process and the result.

Therefore, for piercing it is recommended to use needles that are properly disinfected and selected individually for each procedure.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Titanium and medical steel are two different materials that have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main difference between titanium and medical steel is its chemical composition and properties. Titanium is a lighter and more durable material, biologically compatible with human tissues. In turn, because of its features, working with titanium requires special skills and technology. However, due to its advantages, this material has become indispensable in piercing.

Titanium jewelry has become popular for use as jewelry for several reasons:

  • First, titanium is hypoallergenic. This is especially important for people with sensitive skin or allergic reactions to other materials such as nickel;
  • Second, titanium jewellery has a high strength and corrosion resistance, which means that they will not deteriorate or rust over time. It makes them perfect for puncture.

«VEAN TATTOO» studios offer a wide range of jewellery of different designs and styles, which makes them attractive for people who want to express their individuality and uniqueness through piercing.

However, like any other earrings or barrels, titanium jewellery requires careful care to avoid possible infections or complications.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

To avoid inflammation and/or infection, we recommend you to come to the salon as soon as possible to replace the jewel with a new and sterile one.

If the jewel fell out of the puncture, you must immediately take measures to avoid complications:

Do not panic and do not try to insert the jewel by yourself, as this can lead to additional injury and infection.

Wash your hands and puncture area thoroughly with soft soap and warm water. Temporarily apply a patch to the puncture site to avoid contamination of the wound.

Contact the piercer for advice and help. The specialist will be able to install the jewel back or offer a replacement, as well as give recommendations for puncture aftercare.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.


Cost depends on several factors:

The price of the tattoo depends on the size, color, style, complexity of the sketch and the place of application.

In the case of piercing, the price may differ depending on the place where the puncture will be performed. Some piercing can be more difficult to implement, require more time and professionalism, which will affect the cost.

The price of piercing may depend on the jewelry. Using more expensive materials such as gold or platinum will increase the cost of piercing.

The cost of permanent makeup may vary depending on the place of application and the technique.

Tattoo removal costs vary depending on the size, color, and age of the tattoo.

Colors can also affect the price. Tattoos with brighter and more intense colors are harder to remove than those made with black paint.

Age of tattoo. The older the tattoo, the harder it is to remove it, as the pigment can be better immersed in the skin.

Methods of tattoo removal may vary, and the price may vary depending on the method. The cost may also depend on the artist and the location of the studio.

You can get acquainted with the price list on the page PRICES or in the studio.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

It is recommended to pierce people over 18 years of age, due to the fact that until this age the body is not fully formed.

But there are exceptions, some punctures are acceptable at an earlier age.

Earlobes: from the age of 12 with the consent of both parents.

Other types of puncture: from the age of 16, after consultation with the artist and the presence of at least one parent.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator.

The number of punctures that can be made at a time depends on many factors such as the type of piercing, health and skin condition, age and puncture site. For example, if the punctures are near each other (in one ear) - no more than two. For punctures that are far from each other - no more than three (for example, two in one ear and one in the other).

It is not recommended to make more than 3 punctures at a time.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

The possibility of complete removal depends on several factors such as color and depth of pigment size, type of skin and its condition.

The laser removal procedure uses high-energy beam to break the pigment of the tattoo or permanent make-up into tiny particles that can then be absorbed and eliminated by the body. However, not all colors are equally affected by laser, such as green, yellow and white, can be particularly difficult to remove.

Removers are also used for removal. They work by penetrating the skin and destroying the pigment. Some removers may be effective for removal, but their usage can lead to burns, scarring, and other skin problems.

Therefore, if you decide to remove the tattoo or permanent make-up, it is important to contact professionals in this field.

The VEAN TATTOO uses a unique laser and remover alternation technology that can achieve a complete removal effect.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Choosing a artist is an important step that must be taken responsibly to ensure a safe and high-quality procedure. Here are some tips for choosing a good specialist:

  • Familiarize yourself with the portfolio. It will help you to understand how experienced and professional the artist is, as well as to assess his/her style and quality of work.
  • Use references from friends and acquaintances who have tattoos or piercings. They can share their personal experiences and describe the procedure.
  • Read customer reviews on the web-site to assess the artist’s reputation and his/her work.
  • Contact the studio and discuss all the details of the procedure, including the selection of materials, sterilization and decontamination procedures, and other important points.

Choosing a tattoo artistor a piercer is a serious matter and you should give it maximum attention. Follow these tips to find your artist who will help you get the desired result.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

You need to take an ID-card/passport for the conclusion of the contract and registration.

Some spare clothes in case your clothes get dirty.

Every VEAN studio has everything you need for your comfort: tea, water, lollipops, blankets, pillow, magazines and catalogues of sketches.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

It is important to choose comfortable and suitable clothing that will help you feel comfortable during the process and will allow you to reach the area where the tattoo will be performed.

Wear clothes that will allow you to reach easily to the place where the tattoo will be performed. For example, if the tattoo is on your shoulder, select a tank top with wide slots so that your tattoo artist can easily access this area.

Avoid clothes that can interfere with the artist’s work, such as tight pants and skirts. You can also consider wearing shorts or leggings to make it easier to work on legs or lower legs.

Do not wear things that can leave marks and cause irritation on your skin.

Choose clothes that are easy to wash or not sorry to dirty.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

First of all, we recommend to familiarize with the rules.

You can sign up in several ways

  1. On the web-site using the button «Sign up for a session» or through social networks, messengers;
  2. By telephone;
  3. Directly in the studio.

What should I text?

Try to describe all your wishes and as much as possible regarding the tattoo you want, specify the location on the body, approximate size in centimeters.

Is it possible to send references? Yes, photos and sketches will help you to choose the right tattoo artist working in this style. For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Yes, there are certain categories of sketches and designs that the studio may refuse to do. These restrictions may be related to various factors, such as the ethics, legislation, professional standards or personal beliefs of tattoo artists. Some tattoos are considered unacceptable in terms of medical or legal liability. For example, those that are applied to certain parts of the body may be prohibited by law or require special permission to do so.

Artists may also refuse to make tattoos that contain unacceptable images, such as Nazi symbols, elements of cruelty, racism, mystical elements, satanic signs, religious motives or images that violate copyright.

Copying designs of other artists is unethical and incorrect, and tattoo artists prefer to work with their own sketches and ideas that have been designed specifically for a particular client.

If the tattoo artist agrees to fulfill the client’s request and fill another author’s design, it is important to make sure that the client has all the necessary permissions to use the design. The artist can also suggest making some changes to the design to make it unique and adapted to the specific client and his preferences.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

We create original sketches according to customer’s requirements. Our tattoo artists will develop a customized design that will reflect all your wishes and preferences.

The client’s task is to describe in detail the requirements to the tattoo, including:

  • Theme and style (if it is possible, provide references);
  • The place where the tattoo should be located;
  • Size (to be specified in centimetres);

We will provide you with several sketches so you can choose the most suitable one.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant

The sketch is provided directly on the day of the session.

We do not send our designs by e-mail for copyright purposes: many tattoo artists consider their designs to be intellectual property and do not want to distribute them through social media and messengers to prevent the copying and use of sketches without permission.

We have a policy of preparing sketches for the agreed tattoo day.

If it is necessary, design changes can be made. The tattoo artist will take into account all your relevant changes and wishes, so that the sketch fully meets the requirements.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

Covering-up can be a complex process that requires a professional approach. Visit the studio for more accurate recommendations. During the consultation, an experienced tattoo artist will evaluate your old tattoo and suggest options that will be most effective. Sometimes it is necessary to use laser removal service before such procedure.

But if you can not come to the studio for some reasons, you can send us photos of the tattoo that you want to cover-up with a description of the size and location on the body.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

  • Do not to tan or spend a long time in the sun, which leads to skin damage and increase the risk of infection during the procedure. If you take medication for medical reasons, be sure to inform the artist.
  • Do not to tan or spend a long time in the sun, which leads to skin damage and increase the risk of infection during the procedure.
  • Do not remove hair at the place where the procedure will be carried out.- do not use aromatic or aggressive skin care products.

It is important to follow the instructions and advice of your wizard to minimize risks and ensure a safe procedure.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

The tattoo session usually begins with a consultation with the tattoo artist, where all the details of the sketch are discussed. On the basis of the received information , he/she will either make changes or provide a ready-made design.

Then the tattoo artist will prepare and disinfect the area of the skin where the tattoo will be applied.

The next step is the arrangement on your body. The artist will use a calca to transfer the pattern to your skin. Depending on the size of the tattoo and its complexity, the preparation and scaling process can take 10 to 60 minutes. The tattoo session itself can last as many hours and require several sessions, depending on the size, complexity of design and individual features of the human skin.

After the tattoo application process is done, the tattoo artist will put a protective film and give aftercare instructions for the next few weeks to help the skin th heal and retain the brightness of the tattoo.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.

The length of the session depends on the size and complexity of the design, as well as on the individual features of each client.

On average, it takes about half an hour to get small tattoos, average two to four hours, and large ones four to six hours. The day session can last up to 12 hours, but this duration can not endure - all depends on the endurance of the client.

It is important to remember that tattoo is a permanent drawing on the body, so it is important to give enough time to get a quality result.

For more information, please contact the studio administrator or the online consultant.


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