Face tattoos
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Face tattoos

The face tattoo has a long history that goes back to tribal communities where the application of symbols on the face had a deep sacred or status meaning.

Today, the face tattoo, although they have a certain level of symbolism, but at the same time, have a more aesthetic function.

First of all, it is important to note that face tattoos are not a very common practice, because in society the attitude to such body decorations is still not clear, so for office workers or managers of any level, such decorations in open areas of the body are undesirable, and on the face frankly contraindicated.

Face tattoos
Face tattoos

What to consider
before you get a face tattoo

It is probably not necessary to talk about public rejection or possible condemnation, as well as about possible difficulties in finding a job or communication with authorities.

After all, these things are obvious. Let’s consider the nuances that need to be studied before deciding on a face tattoo.

  • Pain - thin and sensitive face skin, under which there is virtually no fat layer, can contribute to increased discomfort when applying tattoos. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations even with the help of anesthetics.
  • Regeneration - the epidermis of the face is constantly under the influence of external factors (moisture, sun, cold, etc.), which makes it necessary to constantly renew skin layers. In turn, this leads to the fact that your face tattoo may be short lived, losing color somewhat faster than other drawings on the body, will require more frequent correction.
  • Long healing period of the skin. Usually due to individual features of the face skin (dryness or vice versa excessive fat, enlarged pores, etc.). Such features, or even skin problems, can negatively affect tattoo care, so in case of problematic skin, acne, acne, etc., first contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist for advice before making a final decision on tattooing on the face.

Face tattoos

The peculiarity of any tattoos is that to a certain extent they are a tribute to the changeable fashion.

At certain times and the development of our tattoo culture, different body parts were popular for creating unique drawings. It’s the same with the face, and it’s the only place you can’t completely hide the pattern. So, keep this in mind when choosing your future tattoo - do you really want a tattoo on your face and this is your way to manifest, or is this another fashion trend that will be difficult to get rid of if needed or desired?

Face tattoos
Face tattoos
Face tattoos

Who chooses
a face tattoo?

We have already mentioned that tattoos in open areas of the body are not welcomed by managers, office workers, it is also worth adding doctors, teachers and any other representatives of professions, providing constant communication and interaction with people.

But the tattoo on the face can be found in people full of creativity, for which is inherent self-expression in any available form. We are talking about musicians, artists, as well as representatives of fashion and beauty, such as stylists, make-up artists and the like. Of course, masters of tattoo are also representatives of people with face tattoos.

Face tattoos
Face tattoos

It is worth noting that the tattoo on the face will definitely not leave you unnoticed.

Such tattoos are eye-catching, interesting and immediately obvious. So, if you want to be in the spotlight, you should consider face tattoos.

Men often choose for tattoos such symbols as: crown diamond, skull, snake, lightning, anchor, sword, axe, arrow - that is, all masculine manifestations. At the same time, it is not an exhaustive list that can be supplemented. Female face tattoos are no less diverse: cosmic or zodiacal symbols, floral and vegetal ornaments - not uncommon, of course, but are most common, minimalist images with individual content are also common.

Face tattoos
Face tattoos
Face tattoos
Popular places
for face tattooing

Face tattoo is probably one of the most individualistic, so it is difficult to single out the most popular styles, of course, but it is possible to determine the more common places for tattoos.

  • The hair growth line is not only about open areas, but also about those where the hair grows, and in order to make a spectacular drawing of a larger size, it is often shaved off part of the hair.
  • Above the line of eyebrows - concise tattoos over the eyebrows usually have individual meaning for the owners (dates, names, phrases, etc.);
    On the cheek / under the eye - small symbols with a deep meaning - under the eyes often apply small simple images (tear, crown, diamond, heart, etc.)
  • Temple tattoos (can be symmetrical on both sides) look very effective, but because this area of the face is sensitive enough, it is rarely chosen for tattoo.
Face tattoos
Face tattoos

One of the popular techniques for tattooing on the face is linework, which provides clear lines of drawing.

This technique is inherent in minimalist and small tattoos. But, as we mentioned, it is very difficult to distinguish one story line in face tattoos and often you can see the owners of bright watercolor tattoos on the face.

Of course, there are always daredevils who for the purpose of self-expression choose voluminous colored drawings, and such sketches tattoo can be seen a lot. Restrictions on the tattooing of the face are as individual as the tattoos themselves and the reasons for their application. Therefore, it is only important to choose a qualified master who will help to implement your most daring ideas and will choose individual care for your tattoo, so that it will stay as long as possible in perfect condition and bring you joy.

Wherever you decide to get a tattoo - choosing a master will always be the first and most responsible task in this matter.

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