Tattoo Mandala
Mandala is a symbolic image that is imbued with deep symbolism and has special significance in various cultures and religions around the world.
The term "mandala" comes from the Sanskrit word, meaning "circle" or "ring". However, in a broader sense, the mandala is a geometric figure, usually a circle or square surrounded by symmetric patterns and symbols.

Beckoning power of the magic circle
Mandalas have a long history and are widespread in many cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Maya, and North American Indians.
They are found in various shapes and materials such as sand paintings, paintings, sculptures, glass products and fabrics.
Mandalas reflect harmony and balance in the universe, representing the integrity and interconnectedness of all things. The central point of the mandala, often called the "divine center", is the focus and symbol of spirituality or divinity.
When drawing or studying a mandala, it can be a process of meditation and contemplation that helps to make your mind free and achieve a deep state of consciousness. The colors, shapes and symbols used in the mandala have specific meanings that reflect cosmological, religious, or spiritual concepts.

Mandalas can also be used as tools for self-knowledge and personal development.
They are a way of visualizing and integrating different aspects of themselves, helping to achieve harmony and integrity. Working with mandala can be a creative and healing process that helps to unlock the deeper aspects of personality and spirituality.
One of the key aspects of mandala symbolism is the idea of circular motion and infinity. The cycle and repetition of mandala patterns reflect natural processes in the universe, such as seasons, days and nights, birth and death. They remind us of the constant flow of time and change, and also of eternity and continuity.
The symbolism of the central point in the mandala is related to the notion of "oneself" or "inner center". He is the source of all things and the inner essence of man. The central point serves as the focus of attention and helps to achieve inner peace and awareness.

The shapes and patterns used in the mandala also have a symbolic meaning:
- circle can symbolize unity and integrity;
- triangle is about balance and harmony;
- spiral can symbolize transformation and evolution.
These symbols in the mandala help to express various aspects of human experience and spiritual development.

Mandala tattoo
Mandal tattoo designs are a popular choice among people seeking harmony, inner balance and spiritual growth.
Mandala is a symbolic representation of the universe consisting of geometric shapes that form a symmetrical and complex pattern.
Mandalas can be presented in a variety of styles and shapes, mandala tattoo designs include geometric shapes, different colors and shades, and a variety of symbols. A circular form is often used. It symbolizes infinity, integrity and eternity. It reflects the idea of interconnection of all things and harmony in the universe.

The mandala tattoo can have deep meaning for the tattoo holder.
It serves as a reminder of the importance of self-study, meditation and contemplation. Many people believe that this tattoo:
- helps to calm the mind;
- helps in achieving inner harmony;
- attracts positive energy.
The mandala tattoo design may be unique to each individual. It may include symbols that are of particular importance to the tattoo holder. For example, a lotus flower that symbolizes purity and enlightenment, or zodiac signs that are associated with personality and spiritual qualities.
The place of the tattoo also matters. Mandalas on the hand or wrist can serve as a reminder of inner harmony and wisdom. Getting tattoo on the back or chest can symbolize the desire to develop and expand consciousness. Some people choose a mandala as a tattoo on their neck or behind their ears to emphasize spirituality and connection with the inner world.