c. Utrecht
Lijnmarkt 24
MON-FRI 11:00 19:00
Benefits of training
Choose the right training course
3 theorie + 4 praktijk Basis 7 lessen vanaf 1700 EUR
* De prijs kan variëren afhankelijk van de gekozen stad.
  • Beginselen van uitvoering van de procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de werkplek
  • Controle op infecties
  • Sterilisatie/opruiming
  • Kleuren
  • Huidstructuur, contra-indicaties voor Permanente make-up procedure
  • Beginsel van verzorging Permanente make-up na de behandeling
  • Techniekontwikkeling voor het aanbrengen van permanente wenkbrauwen make-up op kunstmatige huid
  • Oefenen van vaardigheden op modellen
  • Overeenkomst sluiten
  • Diploma met de vermelding "Basiscursus"
  • Verbruiksmaterialen en apparatuur voor de duur van de opleiding zijn bij de prijs inbegrepen
3 theorie + 6 praktijk Standaard 9 lessen vanaf 2200 EUR
* De prijs kan variëren afhankelijk van de gekozen stad.
  • Beginselen van uitvoering van de procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de werkplek
  • Controle op infecties
  • Sterilisatie/opruiming
  • Kleuren
  • Huidstructuur, contra-indicaties voor permanente make-up procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de klant vóór permanente make-up procedure voor de lippen
  • Beginselen van permanente make-up verzorging na de behandeling
  • Permanente make-up (wenkbrauwen en lippen) techniek oefenen op kunst huid
  • Training van vaardigheden op modellen
  • Opleidingsovereenkomst
  • Persoonlijke netwerkbeheerder aanwezig
  • Hulp bij aankoop van apparatuur met korting
  • Volledige opleidingshandleiding
  • Stage na afronding van de cursus in de studio
  • Mogelijkheid tot arbeidsmarkt
  • Meester diploma
  • Consumptiemateriaal en apparatuur voor de duur van de opleiding zijn bij de prijs inbegrepen
4 theorie + 9 praktijk Premium 13 lessen vanaf 2800 EUR
* De prijs kan variëren afhankelijk van de gekozen stad.
  • Beginselen van uitvoering van de procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de werkplek
  • Controle op infecties
  • Sterilisatie/opruiming
  • Kleuren
  • Huidstructuur, contra-indicaties voor permanente make-up procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de klant vóór permanente make-up procedure voor de lippen en ooglijn
  • Beginsel van verzorging Permanente make-up na de behandeling
  • Alle soorten permanente make-up technieken oefenen (wenkbrauwen, lippen, ooglijn en tussenwimpers) op kunstmatige huid
  • Vaardigheden oefenen op modellen
  • Prioriteit voor werkgelegenheid
  • Hulp bij de aanschaf van apparatuur
  • Opleidingsovereenkomst
  • Persoonlijke manager
  • Cursusgids als cadeau
  • Testen van de apparatuur vóór aankoop
  • Verbruiksmateriaal en apparatuur tijdens de opleiding zijn in de prijs inbegrepen
  • Diploma met de vermelding van de voltooiing van de uitgebreide cursus.
4 theorie + 9 praktijk VIP - cursus Geaccrediteerde cursus
  • ontvang een Europees vergunning
  • en ontvang een cadeau Meester startpakket
  • Beginselen van uitvoering van de procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de werkplek
  • Controle op infecties
  • Sterilisatie/opruiming
  • Kleuren
  • Huidstructuur, contra-indicaties voor permanente make-up procedure
  • Voorbereiding van de klant vóór permanente make-up procedure voor de lippen en ooglijn
  • Beginsel van verzorging Permanente make-up na de behandeling
  • Alle soorten permanente make-up technieken oefenen (wenkbrauwen, lippen, ooglijn en tussenwimpers) op kunstmatige huid
  • Vaardigheden oefenen op modellen
  • Prioriteit voor werkgelegenheid
  • Hulp bij de aanschaf van apparatuur
  • Opleidingsovereenkomst
  • Persoonlijke manager
  • Testen van de apparatuur vóór aankoop
  • Verbruiksmateriaal en apparatuur tijdens de opleiding zijn in de prijs inbegrepen
Elements of a diploma

Many tattoo studios develop their own diplomas for their students, which do not have official status. The VEAN company diploma is a document recognized and validated in many countries worldwide, with the option to verify its authenticity. It is important to note that training is conducted exclusively offline, as mastering tattooing requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can only be acquired under the supervision of experienced mentors.

  1. Security hologram
  2. Signature of the director, manager of the tattoo studio in which the student was trained
  3. Date of issue of the diploma and its individual serial number
  4. Printing a network of tattoo studios conducting courses and a photo of a student
  5. A site where you can request the authentication of the artist diploma and international certification
  6. Seal of the Tattoo Association of Europe


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Permanent makeup training in Utrecht

Services related to beauty have always been popular, and today their variety is impressive.

But one of the newest and most sought-after trends is permanent makeup, which is quickly winning the hearts of many women around the world. Unlike tattoos, permanent makeup has appeared relatively recently, but has already become an integral part of the lives of many beauties.

Today, permanent makeup is in great demand, and artists of this field are in demand more than ever. The best specialists in the field, working in the "VeAn Tattoo" studio, offer the opportunity to study permanent makeup in Utrecht.

Training at VeAn Tattoo Studio is a great opportunity for those who want to artist the skills of permanent makeup. You will be provided with qualified training and practical skills necessary for success in this field. All our specialists have rich experience and a high level of qualification, which allows them to train beginners and improve existing skills from experienced artists.

Permanent makeup training in Utrecht
Permanent makeup training in Utrecht
Permanent makeup training in Utrecht

Why "VeAn Tattoo"?

"VeAn Tattoo" is a famous chain of studios that attracts highly qualified specialists with medical education, as well as diplomas and certificates confirming their qualifications in this field.

Our employees are constantly developing and studying new work technologies, using modern developments and techniques. In addition, they attend specialized conventions and are ready to share their experience with others.

Our team consists of highly qualified instructors who have extensive experience and are ready to transfer their knowledge and skills to students. We strive to constantly improve the quality of our services, and therefore the level of professional development of our employees is extremely high. We are proud that our specialists always work at the highest level and have extensive knowledge in the field of PMU. We are confident that our students will receive not only professional training, but also valuable experience that will help them achieve success in this field. Permanent makeup training in Utrecht at "VeAn Tattoo" studio is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to become a professional in this field.

If you want to learn permanent make-up in Utrecht, we recommend that you contact "VeAn Tattoo". The company offers several training courses depending on your qualifications and preferences.

Permanent makeup training in Utrecht
  • The first course - "Basic", consists of 7 lessons, in which you will receive the necessary information for a novice artist: basic techniques, working with materials, choosing tools and preparing a workplace.
  • The second course - "Standard", includes 9 lessons, in which you will learn everything that is in the "Basic" course, but also get information about preparing the client for the procedure for applying permanent lip makeup.
  • The third course - "Premium", consists of 13 lessons and provides basic knowledge, supplemented by the theory and practice of applying permanent make-up of lips, eyebrows and eyelids (arrow and filling of inter-eyelash space).
  • If you are already an artist, a "Mini-Course" may be suitable for you to improve your skills or learn a new technique.

Regardless of the course you choose, permanent makeup training at "VeAn Tattoo" in Utrecht includes both theoretical knowledge and practical training on artificial skin and on models under the supervision of a tutor. At the end of the course, you will have everything you need to start working, as well as the possibility of employment in one of our studios. In addition, while still in the process of studying, you can go on a business trip to another studio of our network at home or abroad.

Permanent makeup training at "VeAn Tattoo" in Utrecht is carried out at a high level, and each student gets the opportunity to become a sought-after artist in his field.

Permanent makeup training in Utrecht
Permanent makeup training in Utrecht

What do you need to get trained?

If you are thinking about changing your profession and want to become a permanent makeup artist, but don't know where to start, contact us for a free consultation.

Our instructors will tell you about all the possibilities of permanent makeup training in Utrecht, tell about each course in detail and help you choose the one that suits you best.

Starting from scratch is no longer so scary, and even the basic course will give you a certificate confirming your qualifications, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as a portfolio of work performed under the guidance of an experienced tutor. This is a great chance to get started in this area.

And to always be aware of all our news about training, events and ruffles subscribe to our pages on social networks. We will be happy to arrange a convenient time and place for you for a consultation and help you implement your dream of a career in the field of permanent makeup.

Permanent makeup training in Utrecht


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